Haven't you always wanted to be a BADaSS Accountant?
By BADaSS we obviously mean an accountant who offers help to their clients with:
Business Analytics, Data and Support Services
We know that's what you were thinking...So how can we help you do this?
We want to help you deliver ongoing sustainable growth for your clients. Wouldn't you like to be able to help your clients realise that value that you know is in there struggling to get out? How often do you get clients reaching out for business advice that you just don't have the time to deliver?
We bring big corporate excellence in affordable modules that are tailored to help SME's achieve their full potential:
Numbers are great - but what are you actually going to do??
It's all very well to send someone a lot of numbers about how their business is performing - but what are they going to do about it?
BADaSS Accountants don't just send the numbers out, they deliver:
a set of recommendations in easy to understand and follow language
action items that need immediate action, for immediate impact
ideas of where to look for future improvements
benchmarking of key figures and ratios, with explanations of what they mean, how they impact a business and what to do about them
Data, Data everywhere...
Not everyone speaks the same language, even Accountants sometimes can be hard to understand...
Not all data is created equal either.
We can help make sense of the data your clients have, and also ensure that they understand what you are telling them about the data within their business.
We can also work with you and your clients to improve the data and systems they have to ensure that their business is able to grow sustainably in the way they wanted.
When the numbers tell you that more work is needed...
Once you have been able to identify areas for improvement we can then swing into action with deeper analysis and support as required:
Market Data / Competitor analysis
Customer Segmentation
Detailed profitability analysis / recommendations
Price scraping
Which clients will benefit the most?
Some businesses are across all of this stuff, or are too small to benefit so:
Small enough they do not have a CFO / Commercial Mgr
Big enough they can / need to afford financial analysis
Management teams tend to be stretched delivering day to day, so run out of time for proper financial analysis
Dollars involved mean that relatively small changes can have significant impacts on the owner’s dividends text goes here
More likely to be making money by luck, than judgment
Need to understand what is regularly holding them back
Can take out some easy variables causing the fluctuations and focus on the ones that are going to generate long term sustainability
Get in to help before it is too late
Done early enough the slide can probably be arrested and turned around
Even if that is hard, maybe a sale can be salvaged from the business before it folds
Unable to focus on finances whilst growing rapidly
Need to understand where to invest most effectively in the business
Need to ensure there are no barriers to growth
Effectively gives them a CFO looking at their finances every month, so they can focus on customers
Translates financial imperatives into business actions that make sense to themcription
A business in control and completely on top of its P&L / Balance Sheet is much easier to sell
Can look for and unlock any value needed to improve the sale price