Garbage in ...

No IT Geeks here ... (except maybe Matthew)

Like you, we use IT systems. We do not design them, we do not want to design them. We want to use them to make life easier. We like to be able to get access to data in a way that means something to us as people running a business ... we do not want to spend hours trying to re-programme or work around something to get the information we thought we had...nor do we want to put something in place that just annoys our customers whenever they attempt to interact with our business.


Unlike your friendly software supplier we do not need to sell you anything new. We are quite happy to review your systems and discover they are just right for what you need at the moment. If, however, things are getting a little tired, or no longer quite keeping you ahead of your competition and up with what your customers expect, again unlike your friendly software supplier, we will actually take the time to talk with you and find out how your business likes to operate, and then work to find a solution (or range of solutions) that will enhance your business. We will not shoe-horn your business into a system just because it sounds cool, or has some funky features (which you will possibly never use!). We also won't force everything into a single software solution if that is not the right thing for your business.


Some systems have so many great features you can't possibly learn to use them properly straight away. So we will also look to see which systems are best to implement at what time, and with how much functionality. It may even be that certain departments receive the full "upgrade" straight away as they are ready or in desperate need of it, whilst other departments are brought in as required. This way you can maximise the value of your IT investment and potentially spread the investment out over a longer period as well.


Having completed a review and planned properly, we are well placed to then help you implement the chosen system(s). We will work with you and the suppliers to manage the changeover of systems to cause the least disruption possible. We will also help keep the suppliers honest, and ensure that what you thought you paid for is actually what you are getting.